At Pedro Abizu Campos High School, students grow their own food and make their own compost in a Greenhouse. Watch…
Stray Bullets is an original music video produced by CTVN After School Matters Apprentices. It portrays how stray bullets can…
After the Bullet, produced by Community TV Network and directed by youth filmmaker Brittany Douglas is one teen's journey through…
The 86 students at one of CTVN’s Alternative School sites, Winnie Mandela Intergenerational Alternative school do not have a…
Invincible. Know it all. Experienced. All adjectives and phrases that you believe about yourself once you come out of college…
CTVN is proud to announce that we are partnering with The Imagining Peace Conference where we will be…
Want to make movies? Learn from the teaching pros at Community TV Network, Chicago’s premier youth digital media organization for…