Aron Ianchici of Last Decade Visits CTVN for a Portfolio-Building Workshop

CTVN’s junior producers got a jump start to their portfolio development this week, when Aron Ianchici of production company Last Decade, LLC visited CTVN to give a talk on creating an effective demo reel. In a dynamic and passionate demonstration, Ianchici talked about the work of Last Decade, his creative process, and the choices he has made as he developed his company’s demo reel. In conversation with CTVN’s youth producers, Ianchici stressed the importance of trusting your own creative instincts while developing your portfolio, and asking yourself hard questions about what motivates you to become an artist.
CTVN’s producers Michael Key, Elsa Concepcion, Jesus Rosillo, and Hayley Hawkins took the remaining time to gather the videos they’ve produced through CTVN Video Services, and started brainstorming and editing their reels. Among the recent creative work on their demo reels will be a series of videos for Chicago non-profit clients, funded by Fund for Safe and Peaceful Communities by The Chicago Community Trust.
Reel-building workshop, hosted by filmmaker Vedran Residbegovic, is part of a series of professional development workshops planned for this summer and fall at CTVN.
For more information about Aron Ianchici’s work, visit