The Bullet is a short documentary film based on Brittany Douglas personal account of overcoming a culture of violence and loss through resilience, personal determination and storytelling as healing.
Beyond simply telling stories, Bullet is an examination of the act of storytelling and art-making itself as a way of mediating and understanding a violent world.
CTVN_2019_Annual_ReportDownload We are excited to share that in the 2019 fiscal year, over 400 of… "Don't wait for the promised land. Build it today!" In the 1960’s, The Freedom… In the early 1970s, Jimmy Longoria and Malú Ortega designed the mural to symbolize…
Community TV Network and The National Museum of Mexican Art invite you to... 40 años:…
For the second year in a row, Community TV Network produced a series of video…
Watch Welcome To the Peace House here CHICAGO – Community TV Network is honored…