
CTVN’s 2019 Annual Report

CTVN_2019_Annual_ReportDownload We are excited to share that in the 2019 fiscal year, over 400 of Chicago's youth participated in our…

5 years ago

Is This the Promised Land? (1992)

https://youtu.be/YYQeKF3h5Co "Don't wait for the promised land. Build it today!" In the 1960’s, The Freedom Movement took Chicago by storm…

5 years ago

40 Años: A La Esperanza!

Community TV Network and The National Museum of Mexican Art invite you to... 40 años: A la esperanza!Including our video…

6 years ago

CTVN Produces a Series of Videos for Chicago Non-Profits

For the second year in a row, Community TV Network produced a series of video documentaries about the violence-fighting work…

6 years ago

CTVN Wins “Chicago” Award at the CineYouth Festival

Community TV Network students were presented the CHICAGO Award by the Chicago International Film Festival’s CineYouth Festival for their short…

8 years ago

Students Examine Modern-Day Slavery

By Asiah White, CTVN Community TV Network has been addressing issues of oppression for more than 40 years. In honor…

8 years ago

Documentary: Perfection

What is "perfection" and what effect does it have on women and girls?

9 years ago

Give The Power of Media

In honor of our 40th year providing empowerment, growth, agency and support to Chicago's most disenfranchised youth through media, please…

10 years ago